“In November, people are good to each other. They carry pies to each other's homes and talk by crackling wood stoves, sipping mellow cider. They travel very far on a special November day just to share a meal with one another and to give thanks for their many blessings - for the food on their tables and the babies in their arms.” 

I came across this quote today from a children’s book, In November, by Cynthia Rylant.  What a beautiful picture it created, gathering with friends and family and warmly giving thanks for coming through another year. Most of the time I take to this blog to share with you bookkeeping or business practices.  But today, as I sat down to write, I couldn’t get “giving thanks” out of my head.  I hope you will indulge me this week.

A few years ago, as part of celebrating Thanksgiving, I began a daily posting on social media of something I was thankful for.  It had such an impact on my attitude that I didn’t want to stop just because the “season” ended, so I continued it for the next year.  Stopping each day to notice and acknowledge the blessings around me is truly humbling and changed the way I looked at things.  

As a small business owner, sometime the stress of the day to day can be overwhelming.  When the days are rough it is hard to find “thanks” while you are busy “giving”, but that is when it is the most necessary.  Creating an atmosphere of gratitude around yourself and your business, motivates employees and endears clients.   I would encourage you to, at least once of week, stop and list those things you are thankful for.  Share them with those around you and encourage them to do the same.  Below is my list.

Family: Alan and my girls. I try very hard not to take an instance with them for granted. Audrey’s birth had severe complications for me and a 13-day NICU stay for her. When you go through something like this, it changes your perspective. Alan has been an amazingly supportive husband. Not only did we both appreciate each other more after Audrey’s birth, but also our faith and our relationship grew. The Lord has guided us through so much as a family. I am so grateful for His wisdom!

Friends: There are people in your life that you instantly connect with. They are people that you do life with. My closet friends all have the same core values that I do, most have kids close to the same age, but more over they are just there. They are available when I need them. They would do anything for me, and I would do anything for them. Nights in the ER, watching kids with no notice, standing out at election polls, shoulder to cry on – these are what friends do for each other and are just a sample of how I have been blessed by my friends! The Lord has given me those core people in my life. They aren’t big in number, but they are big in heart!

Business: My team! I can’t ever say enough about Team BBK. They are amazing. Last week, Better Bookkeepers was named Small Business of the Year for 2016 by the Lone Star College – Montgomery SBDC. This is a HUGE honor. And while I had the joy of accepting the award on our behalf, it is because of the entire BBK Family that we got this. I am grateful to our past, current and future team members. I am thankful for their families that support them in their work. But most of all, I am pleased that the Lord led them all to me.  One person can only do so much, but together we do much more!

My hope for all of you as we head into this season of friends and family is that you are filled with many moments to give thanks.  

From our families to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!