Ready to crack the code of business financials? Pull up a chair for this power-packed lunch session where our guest speaker, Barry Blanton with Blanton Advisors, LLC, will translate financial jargon into actionable business intelligence. Learn to read between the numbers and understand what they mean for your business's future.
In my opinion, one of the most overlooked areas to outsource is your company's bookkeeping. Take a look at this list and if you find yourself doing even one of these, give us a call.
Ever feel like this when processing payroll, especially when trying to determine what is taxable income? You are not alone. This is one of our frequently asked payroll questions.
I walked out my door the other day to a curious sight. There was a group of ants moving a dead worm across my sidewalk. What fascinated me, was how big the worm was compared to the minuscule ants moving it. As a small business owner, sometimes I feel a little bit like those ants. Facing big obstacles, that at times seem overwhelming. But, like those ants, our job is to come up with ways to solve them.